ICTLC Finland


The ICT Legal Consulting Finnish team consists of a dynamic pool of highly specialized professionals capable of supporting companies in all their technological needs.

Under the guidance of Leena Kuusniemi, Managing Partner of the Finnish office, and with the support of the entire global network of ICT Legal Consulting professionals, the firm has an enviable track record from strategic technology licensing to mobile advertising, to global regulatory and privacy matters.

Here is an overview of the main services offered:


  • all legal support for online applications development, evaluation of legal requirements for global distribution;
  • software development and licensing (both proprietary and open source SW), revenue share agreements;
  • terms and conditions for both websites and online applications;
  • all privacy related work, assessment, 3rd party relations and agreements, internal training, especially GDPR and COPPA in USA;
  • Finland-specific GDPR advice (deviations, especially in relation to employee data);
  • technology agreement DD processes for global M&A cases;
  • content licensing, UGC (User Generated Content) rules;
  • legal training for both private and public organisations (GDPR, IP licensing, anti-bribery).

Contact Details

Address: Huopalahdentie 24, 00350 – Helsinki – Finland
Phone: +358 50 4801292

We are here to understand your needs and help your business. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information at info.finland@ictlc.com.


Leena Kuusniemi

Managing Partner – Finland

International experience as a legal advisor in global companies. Visiting Fellow at European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity (ECPC) at Maastricht University’s Faculty of Law. Member of the Finnish Bar Association.